Tuesday, 31 May 2016

30 Days Wild: Day 1

30 Days Wild: Day 1
A Wildlife Poem

Today is the first day of the 30 Days Wild project.
This is the first year I have taken part and I am quite excited and a little worried about it. Will I have enough ideas for 30 days? Will anyone read (or enjoy reading) my musings.

I had planned to write a poem for the first day and over the last couple of weeks I thought seriously about how this would go. So, here it is:

 June is upon us, we have left behind May,
Don't be afraid, find one project each day,
Blog what you see or when you have things to say.

Don't mind if the weather is hot, or whether the weather is mild,
No matter if you are an adult, or if you are only a child,
Go and do something special, support wildlife, be 30 Days Wild.

Great Tit from my garden

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

30 Days Wild

I have signed up for the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild initiative. 
I am really looking forward to taking part!

Check back from 1st June!